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Cancel your subscription

This article provides information on how you can cancel your account and subscription.

Updated over a month ago

We are sorry to see you go! If you need help with the tools or advertising, please let us know, we would be happy to help out. Feel free to reach out to our support team at [email protected].

Cancel subscription

You can cancel your subscription via the 'Subscriptions' tab in the Account settings. Click on 'Merchants' at the top and then on the gear icon next to the Merchant Center you want to cancel the subscription for.

Then you select 'Cancel subscription'.

You will then have to select a reason for cancelling and confirm the cancellation. By doing this, you confirm your cancellation request and indicate that you want to transfer your Merchant Center account to Google CSS. Once we have received the cancellation, the payment account will be adjusted immediately for the relevant Merchant Center account, and we will start the switchback process to Google CSS.

❗Please keep in mind that your subscription will automatically be activated if you do not unsubscribe before your last trial date. Please make sure to cancel your account before the last day of your 30-day trial to avoid any unnecessary billing.

Please note: If you're experiencing issues trying to cancel through the platform, you can also fill out this cancellation form. Please use the email address that is associated with your payment account. If you're unsure which email address this is, check the address at which you receive our invoices.

Switch to another CSS partner

If you are switching to another CSS partner, please let us know when cancelling by selecting 'I want to switch to another CSS partner' and providing the name of your new CSS partner. Please note that, in this case, our offboarding team will only end your subscription with us but will not request a switch to Google CSS.

Verify your URL

After your account has successfully been switched to Google CSS, you may receive an email from Google regarding claiming/verifying your website URL to ensure a smooth transition. We have included a helpful guide here for your reference.

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